Hair Restoration
If hair loss or thinning hair is affecting your self-esteem, there are state-of-the-art, non-invasive solutions available that offer an affordable alternative to older surgical methods, the most popular of which is PRP/PRF hair restoration; now available in Rhode Island at Oceanside Medical.
You may have heard the term “PRP,” short for platelet-rich plasma, or “PRF,” platelet-rich fibrin, for uses such as treating joints and arthritis. In addition to these therapeutic uses, it’s also an incredibly effective way to treat hair loss in men and women alike. Platelet-rich plasma is the liquid part of human blood that contains a substantial number of platelets. What makes platelets so beneficial is that they are unique cells that cause not only clotting, but also contain growth factors — the substances that facilitate growth in living cells, including skin, tissue, and hair.
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Sobre el tratamiento
Your PRP/PRF hair restoration procedure begins by drawing a small amount of blood, which is then processed through a centrifuge to separate the plasma (a golden-color substance) from blood cells. Once your blood’s plasma is isolated, the PRP/PRF is then gently injected into the scalp and hair follicles.
Injections will be skillfully placed by a medical professional approximately every half-inch across the scalp, in areas where hair is thinning.
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