para un hospital o centro médico.


Cellenis Derma PRP

Intravenous, or IV, therapy is a delivery method for fluids and medication in which the fluid is administered through the veins.


Cellenis Derma PRP

Intravenous, or IV, therapy is a delivery method for fluids and medication in which the fluid is administered through the veins.

Fluid that contains vitamins and minerals or medication is delivered via an IV drip or injection into the vein, which allows the therapy to move quickly through your bloodstream.

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Sobre el tratamiento

IV therapy drips amino acids, vitamins, minerals and fluids at a controlled rate. Once you are connected to the IV, which is usually a quick and simple process, the duration of the therapy will depend on why you are undergoing IV therapy. Our average IV treatment lasts 45 minutes to an hour.

Biotin: Also known as B7, biotin is a water-soluble vitamin found in foods such as eggs, milk, and bananas. Biotin plays a role in cell growth, metabolism, and fatty acid synthesis and may help maintain blood sugar levels. Biotin is commonly supplemented for hair loss, brittle nails, and nerve damage. Biotin stimulates keratin production in hair follicles, increasing growth, and may aid in hair loss. It is also thought to reduce inflammation, improve cognitive function, and increase HDL cholesterol and decrease LDL cholesterol.

NAD: Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) is a micronutrient produced by the body. NAD is a naturally occurring substance in our bodies and plays an important role in creating energy within the mitochondria portion of the cell. Mitochondria are the energy producing “powerhouses” of the cell and NAD is essential for their function. When healthy NAD levels are not maintained, the mitochondria will not function properly and the body will suffer at the molecular level. Increasing NAD levels leads to heightened metabolic function, as NAD helps the liver to break down fats which are essential to providing energy to the body.

As we age, NAD production declines and our cells lose energy. Low levels of NAD are associated with aging and symptoms such as fatigue and brain fog. NAD can improve mood and reduce symptoms of neurodegenerative disease.

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