para un hospital o centro médico.


Estrategias de Tratamiento Personalizadas para Mejorar la Salud y una Recuperación más Rápida

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Healthcare service
Healthcare service

Ofrecemos Atención Médica Integral y Procedimientos de Tratamiento Avanzados

Cuidados generales

Afecciones crónicas

Planes de atención personalizados y continuos para controlar las enfermedades crónicas, garantizar un tratamiento eficaz y una mejor calidad de vida.

Alpha Pro

AquaGold Facial

AquaGold is an ideal solution for enlarged pores, a dull complexion, dry skin, mild acne scarring, and fine lines. Some of our patients’ favorite combinations for their treatment include Botox Cosmetic, hyaluronic acid, retinol, and antioxidants such as vitamin C. Created especially for you, no two AquaGold treatments are alike! Best of all, with microneedles that are finer than a human hair, this game-changing treatment is painless! Although some patients may feel a “stamping” sensation, we do use a topical aesthetic.

Botox and Dysport

Looking for Dysport or Botox services in Rhode Island? Oceanside Medical is proud to offer our patients both options. Our experienced staff will recommend the choice that’s right for you. While Dysport and Botox injections are both Type A botulinum toxin used for similar purposes, there are a few differences.

Cellenis Derma PRP

Fluid that contains vitamins and minerals or medication is delivered via an IV drip or injection into the vein, which allows the therapy to move quickly through your bloodstream.

Chemical Peels

Administered by skincare professionals, chemical peels work by exfoliating the skin’s surface to reduce the appearance of blemishes and restore skin health. These effective treatments can be performed on the face, neck, chest, hands, arms, or legs. They are most effective at enhancing cell turnover and improving the appearance on the surface of the skin

Salud de la mujer

Cuidado prenatal

Brindar a las mujeres embarazadas una atención prenatal integral y consistente, que incluya chequeos y exámenes periódicos.

Dermal Fillers & Sculptra

By assessing your unique facial structure and anatomy, your injector will determine the very best injectable to use to achieve your goals. With meticulous technique, we will ensure your end result restores lost volume or provides a subtle enhancement — making you look better, never different. Following your treatment, some minor redness or bruising may occur, but these symptoms generally subside within several days. Depending on the area and amount injected, a follow-up session may be scheduled. You’ll enjoy your results for between six months and two years, depending on the area where dermal filler is placed.


Diagnóstico por imágenes

Utilizar técnicas de diagnóstico por imágenes, como radiografías o ultrasonidos, para diagnosticar y evaluar con precisión diversas afecciones médicas.

Emsculpt NEO Treatment

Your best body ever is within reach — and it’s closer than you think. We want to help you get there and be the best version of yourself. This isn’t about luck or “good genes” – it’s science! Your head-turning results will reveal themselves… and you’ll want to reveal your improved physique and strength.

Emsculpt Treatment

Forget about dated fat-elimination technology such as freezing for a non-surgical butt lift — and step into the next generation of body sculpting innovation. With an Emsculpt procedure, you’ll be able to both build muscle and burn fat at the same time all in a convenient, non-invasive and comfortable treatment that can be done in as little as a lunch hour!


Although a small number of patients report mild discomfort, most find that the Exilis treatment is painless and incredibly convenient. You’ll notice a sensation of warmth while an area is being treated, and the intensity of this heat varies from patient to patient.

Salud de la mujer

Exámenes de mamas

Pruebas de detección periódicas para la detección temprana del cáncer de mama y de cuello uterino, vitales para aumentar las probabilidades de éxito del tratamiento.


Exámenes de sangre

Realizar una variedad de análisis de sangre para monitorear los indicadores de salud, esenciales para la detección temprana y el manejo de enfermedades.

Cuidados generales

Exámenes físicos de rutina

Exámenes físicos anuales exhaustivos para evaluar su estado general de salud e identificar de manera temprana cualquier posible problema de salud.

Hair Restoration

You may have heard the term “PRP,” short for platelet-rich plasma, or “PRF,” platelet-rich fibrin, for uses such as treating joints and arthritis. In addition to these therapeutic uses, it’s also an incredibly effective way to treat hair loss in men and women alike. Platelet-rich plasma is the liquid part of human blood that contains a substantial number of platelets. What makes platelets so beneficial is that they are unique cells that cause not only clotting, but also contain growth factors — the substances that facilitate growth in living cells, including skin, tissue, and hair.

Hormone Pellet Therapy

As we age, our hormone levels become unbalanced, leading to fatigue, sleep disruption, lack of energy, and much more. In addition to age, factors such as diet, exercise, and lifestyle can also contribute to hormone imbalance. Biote optimizes hormones to a level appropriate for your age and general health through the use of pellet therapy and nutraceutical supplements. Pellet therapy is an ongoing hormone optimization and hormone support system that uses bioidentical hormones, identical to those naturally produced by your body, to bring your hormones back into balance. When hormones are balanced, patients find that they have more energy, more restful sleep, and are at decreased risk of health issues such as hypertension, diabetes, stroke, and heart attack.

JetPeel Facial

The JetPeel device generates pressurized gas, which is accelerated in order to manipulate liquid into fine misty jet streams. These jet streams, travelling at subsonic speed of over 200 m/s, are applied to the skin surface with the patented JetPeel handpiece, a wand-like instrument available in a range of sizes and configurations for specific treatments and conditions. As it travels over the skin, the handpiece generates continuous fine liquid jet streams that exfoliate the epidermal layer and gently stretch the skin surface. With no needles, and without any pain, discomfort or skin breakage, the jet streams open up microchannels that provide a direct path to the deeper skin layers. Using the JetPeel device in conjunction with Jet Solutions, exclusive formulas designed to treat various skin issues, the jet streams contain nutritive micro-droplets that travel below the skin surface and act on the subdermal layers to provide visible results and relief.


Microneedling is a minimally invasive procedure where physical trauma is induced into the upper layers of the skin by small sterile needles to incite the body’s healing response. These “micro-traumas” cause the body to heal the skin by creating new collagen which causes the skin to be tighter and more toned. A chemical peel is a more superficial treatment where various chemicals are placed topically on the skin. The acidic components of the peel cause damage to the outermost layers of the skin which causes the skin to slough off, leaving new, fresh, soft skin underneath. Chemical peels can be of various strengths and penetration to give variable outcomes depending on the goals. Different types of peels also have variable recovery periods.


Migraña y dolor de cabeza

Especializado en el tratamiento de migrañas y dolores de cabeza, ofrece una atención integral desde el diagnóstico hasta el avanzado.

Nutrition & Medical Weight Loss


Rehabilitación para ictus

Brindamos servicios de rehabilitación en profundidad para accidentes cerebrovasculares centrados en la recuperación física, la mejora de la movilidad y la terapia del habla.

Atención de emergencia

Tratamiento de enf. agudas

Tratamiento inmediato de afecciones médicas agudas, como infecciones o reacciones alérgicas, que alivie y prevenga complicaciones.

Atención pediátrica

Vacunas infantiles

Administrar vacunas vitales a los niños a las edades apropiadas para protegerlos contra diversas enfermedades infecciosas.

Atención pediátrica

Visitas de control para niños

Visitas periódicas de control para monitorear y rastrear el crecimiento y el desarrollo del niño, a fin de garantizar que esté cumpliendo con los hitos del desarrollo.

Profesionales Médicos

Reserva tu próxima cita fácil y cómodamente con nosotros.

Expertos en Salud

Atención Personalizada

Innovación Continua

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Healthcare service